
Jumaat, November 14, 2008

Umno blamed for race imbalance in civil service

GEORGE TOWN: Deputy Chief Minister (II) Dr P. Ramasamy claim­ed yesterday that the hegemonic policies practised by Umno over the past 50 years had caused the imbalance in the ratio of Malay and non-Malay staff in the state civil service.

Until Sept 30 this year, there were 81.95% Malays, 12.92% Indians and 5.05% Chinese working in the state governments, including in local authorities, he said in the course of answering a question from RSN Rayer (DAP — Seri Delima).

Asked whether the state would increase the number of Chinese and Indian staff in the civil service, Ramasamy said the state would study the matter as it not only concerned race but also gender.

“This imbalance has come about because of the hegemonic policies practised by Umno in the past 50 years,” he said.

A war of words then broke out between Shabudin Yahaya (BN — Permatang Berangan) and Dr Ramasamy, with Jagdeep Singh Deo (DAP — Datuk Keramat) and Rayer joining the fray.

“It is irresponsible for Dr Ramasamy to blame Umno,” said Shabudin. Speaker Abdul Halim Hussain had to interject and order them to sit down.

Dr Ramasamy continued with his answer, insisting that the figures proved him right. Shabudin quickly jumped up to say that the government had practised it for many years.

“I have also come to know that even at the preliminary stage the application forms are torn,” Dr Ramasamy added.

To Datuk Azahar Ibrahim (BN — Penaga)’s question, Dr Ramasamy said the issue was not race but merit, and creating a quality and productive workforce.

“The state wants to get rid of the mindset that only one race has preference over the others in the civil service,” he said.

Kata aspirasi - UMNO dipersalahkan kerana meletakkan ramai orang Melayu bekerja di sektor awam sedangkan itulah tujuan UMNO, Jika UMNO sebagai parti memerintah tidak membantu orang Melayu di perkhidmatan awam siapa lagi?. Dengan kata lain kaum lain marah kerana meletakkan Melayu ramai di sektor awam. Masalahnya pula di sektor swasta khasnya selain GLC, kaum Melayu langsung diketepikan dan dianaktirikan dan double standard khasnya dari segi layanan, kebajikan dan kadar gaji. Perkara ini kita biasa dengar jika kaum C*** gaji diberi RM 2*** tetapi jika Melayu RM 1***++, kerjanya sama, tangunggjawabnya sama, Jadi apa macam, ini tidak dibangkitkan pula...

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