
Selasa, April 27, 2010

Belum lagi berkuasa, PAS sudah pertikai kuasa Sultan!!!

Gila kuasa, biadap dan kurang ajar.. itu;ah perkataan paling sesuai untuk diberikan kepada seorang ADUN PAS yang mempertikaikan kuasa Sultan.

Perbuatan itu dapat dilihat apabila Mohd. Nasir Mustafa (Pas-Kubang Rotan) mengemukakan dua soalan bertulis kepada Dewan iaitu [baca sini]:

# Sejauh manakah bidang kuasa Sultan sebagai Ketua Agama Islam di negeri ini dihormati oleh Kerajaan Pusat?

# Setakat manakah tahap tidak boleh campur tangan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah dalam pentadbiran hal ehwal agama Islam?

Namun ditarik balik kemuddian oleh Speaker DUN Kedah, Datuk Dr. Abdul Isa Ismail dan mengakui beliau mungkin terlepas pandang selepas menerima bantahan pembangkang.

Banyak persoalan yang timbul dengan kejadian ini.. pertama sekali ialah mengenai pihak kerajaan Negeri Kedah..

Soalan pertama.. Pemimpin negeri Kedah makan gaji buta ke? speaker terlepas pandang.. apatah lagi MB Kedah lagi jenis sengal yang tak ambil kisah langsung.. cuma tunggu duit gaji MB bulanan semata-mata.

Soalan Kedua.. Bagaimana soalan seperti ini boleh timbul dari seorang ADUn yang menunjukkan kedangkalan otak mereka terhadap perlembagaan dan sejarah Negeri.. inilah akibat terlalu banyak baca haprakah, Malaysiakini dan MalaysianInsider yang merosak urat kepada otak mereka... sehingga menjadi bengong.. macam terminum 'holy water'..

Beberapa hari sebelum ini, Tok Guru Am mereka pertikaikan kuasa Sultan Selangor yang melarang politik di masjid...

Jadi betullah kata pepatah Melayu.. Bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari... atau pun lari-lari anak..Bila kepimpinan sendiri tidak menunjukkan atuladan baik.. bagaimana anak buah nak ikut tauladan..

Ini berlaku sebelum mereka dapat kuasa untuk memerintah negara lagi...

Jika mereka memrintah negara, Sultan akan lingkup, Melayu akan lingkup dan islam Pun akan lingkup!!!

10 ulasan:

  1. em dh mmg mentaliti org2 pas mcm tu, bodoh susah nk d ajar, dh la bodoh, bodoh lak tu org2 pas ni.. dioarg bkn reti pa pun...mkn tidoq ngan ckp merapu yg tu la mentaliti org2 pas....

  2. Mr Jon

    Bila Ketua Agama dan Negeri sendiri dipertikaikan oleh Melayu PAS.. orang bukan Melayu pasti gembira kerena sultan melayu ialah halangan terbesar mereka nak kuasai negara Ini..

    lihat bagaimana mereka berkuasa di Singapura.. Tanah merka dah rampas dari melayu, Sultan melayu pun hilang kuasa, Islam bukan Agama rasmi.. Apatah lagi bahasa melayu..

  3. Perkara ini telah lama terjadi dikalangan parti PAS..Lihat lah apa yang terjadi dikuala kangsar..dikelantan..dan diselangor..puak pak lobai ni muka dan nama sahaja melayu tetapi pada mereka yang berkuasa hanyalah Tok Ajis seorang sahaja..mereka melakukan dan menghalalkan berbagai cara demi untuk mendapatkan sokongan daripada puak kapiaq..sehinggakan lupa akan jati diri sendiri.

    Bila disalahkan mereka tidak mau mengaku dan menyalahkan umno yang melakukan perkara tersebut..sepatutnya manusia cam ni tak perlu duduk didalam malaysia.

  4. Yang sebenarnya merekalah saki baki penjajah.
    Baca lagi di http://warisanpahang.blogspot.com/

  5. orang islam bodoh macam babi. patut mati punya agama. muslim semua otak kering. cipta nama bodoh ada lah.

  6. The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.

    You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.

    This scenario would stay.

    They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays begging all the time.

    Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.

    All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.

    Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.

  7. You malays don't like it? You leave! We are going to stay! We like it here! Who gives you the rights to tell us what to do?

    They just jealous because they are lose in economical race. I can understand that. If immigrants more rich than malays, then malays will be jealous like hell. It happens everywhere. If Chinese poor - I am sure malays never become racists but Chinese never made to be poor. We are made to be winners and sorry to the losers who become racists after that.

    Malays never beat Chinese in economy even until end of the world - their destiny is to become slaves.

    Why we live in your country because it is easier to earn money there - because your peoples have no brains that is why there are no competitive.

    We are not scare at you my friend, lots of Chinese already move to other country such as Australia, Singapore or US. We have the money, we can go everywhere we like even going back to China!

    God damn, you are really a fool. Why Chinese are everywhere? Here, let me tell you why. In China, it is hard to earn money because the competitive is extremely high. Where in country like Malaysia, there are no competitive at all - the reason is simple, you malays doesn't know how to do business and earn cash, so all the opportunity goes to the Chinese.

    You have brain and you malays are well educated? And want to make Malaysia better? Why Malaysia still likes that? Corrupted, useless, weak junk country! The currency is useless, economy like shit! Think fools!

    Thanks to Malaysia? Hahaha! And you said become rich because of Malaysia? No, Chinese become rich because we are hardworking and smart! Fools you! Chinese go everywhere also can live, in Australia, US, and all over the world. Go traveling around and see if you can find any malay! Hahaha!

    Become smart because education in Malaysia? Dream! Think smart! Your education system is lousy, suck, useless! The standard is low! Find prove stupid!

    Heart? Where is our heart? You malays don't like Chinese, why do Chinese have to pay our heart to Malaysia?

    Point the finger to yourself. What a big stupid malay fool dumbass.

    Also, visit your brother Indonesia, and you can see all the companies and shops are operated by Chinese. We also conquer your brother economy, fools! Hahaha……….what a joke! Indonesia!

    Let us face it. You don't want Chinese to get out of Malaysia. Because if they did, Malaysia would never develop. They would also bring a great deal of financial wealth and investments with them too.

    Note Malaysia is doing well. It certainly isn't because of the malays.

    And Thailand which is another prosperous South-East Asia nation. It also has a large Chinese population and a national culture that is welcoming towards Chinese.

  8. This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, malays originated from Indonesia etc. China get to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to the Indians, and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.

    This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priority to Orang Asli?

    The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia - which is never - it is a genocide in the name of Allah!

  9. All I can conclude concerning this farce is 1Malaysia Police = 1Malaysia Worst Hooligans = 1Malaysia UMNO = 1Malaysia Dirtiest Politicians.

  10. I hate malay pig so much in my life
    If all malay pig jump into sea and all die
    This world will become very very beautiful
