
Rabu, Mei 26, 2010

Ingat MIC bapak dia yang punya ke!!

Biadap... itulah kata-kata yang keluar oleh TS Muhyidin terhadap anak Samy Vellu yang bertindak biadap dan keterlaluaan.

Ianya adalah masalah dalaman parti MIC yang diterajui Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu tidak patut dikaitkan dengan UMNO apatah lagi menuduh UMNO melakukan ‘pembunuhan politik’ (political assassin) untuk memecahbelahkan parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN)

Amaran TPM “Jangan kaitkan UMNO dalam soal itu. Ia satu perbuatan yang bagi saya bukan sahaja tidak adil tetapi biadab,”

Menurut Muhyiddin, tuduhan Vell Paari tidak adil lebih-lebih lagi ia dibuat kerana beliau mempunyai kepentingan sebagai anak kepada Presiden MIC.

Kenyataan ini amat tepat sekali.. jangan bagi muka budak keling biadap ni.. Siapa dia Vell Pari nak buat kenyataan biadap.. apa jawatan dia dalam MIC, jawatan dalam Anggota Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat MIC pun sebab dilantik olek bapak beliau.. Ingat MIC bapak dia yang punya ke!!!

Nampaknya bapak kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari-lari.. perangai lebih teruk daripada bapa, adakah ini bakal menggantikan kepimpinan MIC yang kurang ajar dan biadap.. ini bukan negara India boleh cerita hero tamil..

Tidak cukup ke 30 tahun Samy Velu menjadi presiden MIC, berapa lama lagi nak jahanamkan MIC dan kaum India di negara ini. Berapa banyak projek yang Mr Samy dapat masa dalam kerajaan dulu.

Memang patut pun Gerakan Anti samy dilakukan.. pemimpin diktator keling ini memang patut dijatuhkan... Malaysia negara demokrasi dan bukannya dinasti.

9 ulasan:

  1. Kalau boleh parti MIC dia nak jadikan Samy's Dinasty Party.....

  2. Ayo yo.. saya lagi muda , rambut pun belum ada uban juga tadak botak.. Lagi muda !!! apa pasai mau lepas ini jawatan.. sekarang kebanyakan pemimpin MIC masih kecil tarak cukup umur.. Palanevil umur baru 20 tahun.. DS Subramanim itu kilang manusia, baru 18, apa itu Mugila ka? kecik lagi baru 2 tahun,, apa dia tau pasai politik. Ohh itu Pari saya punya anak .. muda juga baru 3 tahnu tapi sudah cukup matang.. boleh lawan sama UMNO..

    Jangan bimbang , sampai masa saya turun tersu masuk kubur.. MIC juga keluar dari UMNO.. Iitu lu orang mau kan.

    Bagitu lah petikan kata-kata temubuak Dato Seri SV denagn beberap wartawang baru-baru ini.

  3. Salam perjuangan,

    Selagi kita tau sejarah Melayu maka tak ada satu kuasa pun cuba nak melumpukan Melayu... lumrah kehidupan setiap kaum pasti akan ada kelemahan yang perlu dibaiki... jadi jangan la main sedap jari menuding Melayu tu da lumpuh... orangt kena strok pun bole pulih semula... agak2 la

  4. Malay history start from Parameswara who escape from Indonesia and settle in Melaka. During his time, Laksamana Cheng Ho visit Melaka seven times.

    Melaka need the protection of the China from the invasion of the Siamese. Without Cheng Ho, there won't be malay history, instead you have Siam history.

    I pity Malaysian Muslims, you probably are the least free people in this world! Even Indonesian Muslims are allowed to practice apostasy when they become adults!

  5. The malay race is an inferior race due to inbreeding amongst themselves. They are moronic and to make matter worse - choose Islam as their religion.

    As everyone knows, Islam is a stone-aged religion. No matter how long you spoon-feed them they will never change. They are worse than PIG.

  6. Hahaha! Shows how completely clueless malays are of the history of this land.

    The Orang Asli are the original race of this land.

    The malays themselves are only a small ethnic race that conquered the peninsular later.

    Worst, what many term as 'malays today' are not actually the original malays of ancient times but 'adopted malays' from other ethnicities such as the Acehnese, Bugis, Minangkabaus and Tamil Muslims.

  7. The malays do not exist as a unique tribe but are the result of centuries of mix amongst various ethnic groups - migrants from Yunnan, Polynesia, Java, Sumatra, Turkey, Arabia, India, Siam, Cambodia, Laos.

    Once they began to populate the Malayan Peninsula - (which wasn't named for the malay race but derives from the Tamil word for "mountain" - malai) they figured it would be advantageous to claim ownership of the land by dubbing it Tanah Melayu.

    It was mostly a political part of various pirate bloodlines to create their own Promised Land.

  8. If malays are so unhappy in this land, they are free to go back to Indonesia, nobody stop them.

    They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being lazy, stupid, useless morons.

    If we want a good country – we must destroy the Umno party first.

  9. Know what malay pig? A suck babi hutan pendatang from Indonesia, pencuri of Tanah Orang Asli, should be caught by all the Chinese whom you have insulted.

    They will then pack you in a pig basket, parade you round Chinatown in KL, to let the Chinese pelt rotten eggs, throw shit and pour all the pig shit from the nearby pig farms on your head.

    Then let them take you out of your pig basket and roast you over an extremely hot fire until you become barbecued pork. After that chop your stinking carcass and leave it in the streets of rural for all those vultures and crows to feed on. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Why only malays? You think this country is yours alone? What has the government really done for the pribumis and the Orang Asli? Look at how Umno has screwed up Sabah Indonesians and Filipinos getting citizenship and enjoying the same benefits as you the moment they hop off the boat!

    You go ask the government to stop all that then I will stop thinking you are speaking through your asshole.

    Podah! You are nothing but a chauvinist malay pig like the rest.

    It seems like Malaysia is still not ready for globalisation because of a bunch of anti-social racist morons like you. Our country already independent for so many donkey years but sorry to see still got such shortsighted moron like you.

    Bangsa melayu failed in the past 30 years with lots of help from Umno but still failed! Then they blame the Chinese cheat la, marginalise them la, this la that la……….so much excuses! If you are pariah, forever you are pariah!

    If you malay pig race lazy, no matter how much with the government help, it will back to square.

    For me, I just speak up what I had observed and not like the malay race who is always jealous about other race success. Bad hearted.

    Malay failure is the fact! It has been happened since 30 years ago and not just now. If you keep on denying it proven again you are just another loser or hypocrite!

    Truth - what is so proud of asking Chinese to be like your kind of robbers, liars, cheaters in Malaysia? Kaum tongkat yang langsung tak tahu malu! Yes, you motherf***ker are stupid, lazy, fanatic, thus you need tongkat forever! Dick head!

    Kaum tongkat still can survive in most of the zoos overseas. See the UPM red shirt "Orang Utan". At least they could be the laughing stock to this world.

    If malays with 50% population in Malaysia none of them success, then I reckon you jump to the sea. That so!

    Once again, with you racist pig moron, Malaysia wouldn't go far as far as globalisation is all about!

    You are truly one of those Umno babi hutan with shit plastered all over your brain and fulfilling Hang Tuah policy in reverse! With babi hutan like you whose brains are filled with tahi babi - it would be melayu akan hilang di dunia!
