
Rabu, Mac 12, 2014

#MasihMisteri : orang ramai boleh teliti imej satelit untuk mencari #MH370

Nampaknya  kini semua orang boleh membantu untuk mencari imej kapal terbang MH307 melalui imej satelite.

 Menuurut DigitalGlobe Inc, kira-kira 600,000 orang memeriksa dan meneliti imej-imej satelit yang dikeluarkan oleh syarikat DigitalGlobe Inc.

Dalam usaha membantu mencari petunjuk kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines. DigitalGlobe Inc. berkata, pengguna laman web syarikat itu boleh menanda imej-imej tersebut jika mereka dapat melihat bangkai, bot penyelamat, tompokan minyak atau petunjuk lain.

Syarikat itu merancang membuat kemas kini harian ke atas imej-imej tersebut dalam laman web carian http://splashurl.com/qfcl765

Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang hendak membantu itu memang dialu-alukan, namun diingatkan jika hendak sebarkan sesuatu berita pastikan berita itu sahih dari sumber yang sahih dan bukan dari tok bomoh. 

1 ulasan:

  1. ni satu lagi berita yg. harus diTELITI! Saya syaki ini salah satu sebab utama penerbangan MAS ini disasarkan kerana kehadiran sekaligus, 12 jurutera/pakar dari Malaysia dan 8 dr. China, yg. sgt. penting dlm industri microchip, dr. syarikat Freescale Semiconductor, dlm penerbangan tersebut! Disyaki Mossad-CIA tidak akan berdiam diri dgn. pakar Bukan Barat, terutamanya yg. Islam dan dr. China dlm industri ini (lihatlah bagaimana Mossad telah membunuh ramai saintis nuklear Islam dr. Iran - di http://www.businessinsider.com/mossad-in-iranian-scientist-murders-2011-8, Mossad Suspected In Murder Of Iranian Nuclear Scientists, Vincent Trivett, Aug. 5, 2011).

    Lihat di http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2014/03/10/Loss-Of-Employees-On-Malaysia-Flight-A-Blow-US-Chipmaker-Says/:

    Loss of employees on MAS flight a blow, US chipmaker says

    March 10, 2014

    SAN FRANCISCO: Employees of Freescale Semiconductor who were on a Malaysia Airlines flight presumed to have crashed were doing sophisticated work at the U.S. chipmaker, a company spokesman said on Sunday.

    The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company's chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations.

    "These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people," Haws said. "It's definitely a loss for the company."

    None of Austin, Texas-based Freescale's most senior executives were on board the Boeing Co 777-200ER airliner that vanished from radar screens about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on Saturday.

    The employees who were on board, 12 from Malaysia and eight from China, came from a range of disciplines and they were part of a broad push by Chief Executive Officer Gregg Lowe to make Freescale more efficient and cost effective, Haws said.

    Top-quality engineers are hard to come by for chipmakers and other technology companies, and losing them can have a major impact on business, regardless of their seniority.

    While the employees on the flight account for less than 1 percent of Freescale's global workforce of 16,800 people, they were working toward the same goals and their loss will reverberate throughout Freescale, Haws said.

    They had been streamlining facilities in Tianjin and Kuala Lumpur that Freescale uses for testing and packaging microchips used in automobiles, consumer products, telecommunications infrastructure and industrial equipment.

    On Sunday, Freescale was organizing transportation and accommodation for the 20 staff members' families, as well as providing grief counseling, Haws said.

    One of the chipmaker's long-time competitors, Texas Instruments, tweeted on Saturday: "We extend our condolences to the families and coworkers of the @Freescale employees aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370."- Reuters

    Makcik Sambal Belacan.
