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Khamis, Oktober 31, 2013

Husband commits suicide, after wife uploads wedding pictures on FB

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In a bizarre yet sad story, a software engineer from Chennai working in a reputed MNC killed himself after having a tiff with his newly wed wife over photos uploaded to Facebook.
Chandan Kumar (29) from Jharkand and wife Sandhya from Chennai got married against his parent’s wishes in a church in Chennai recently. Sandhya was christian and Chandan’s hindu family opposed his wedding it seems yet they decided to get married in a church with blessings from Sandhya’s family.
After the wedding Sandhya posted the photos on Facebook and tagged them with Chandan which his cousins in Jharkand noticed and informed his parents about.
His parents had immediately contacted Chandan and expressed that they were deeply hurt and upset, and that he remove the photos immediately from Facebook. But Sandhya disagreed to this and bitterness ensued between the couple soon after. Police after enquiry said Sandhya did not want to remove the photos of their legitimate marriage.
On Saturday night they had a heated exchanged and slept in different rooms but Sunday morning as Chandan did not come out of his room, Sandhya opened it to find to him hanging and dead. He had left a suicide note. According to the note by Chandan, he said he still loved his wife but was very upset that she did not remove the photos and hence decided to end his life, as reported in Younews. in.
Chennai police are still investigating the case.

Tuduhan biadap oleh blogger sex : UMNO adalah dalang penangkapan saya

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UMNO lagi... rasanya dah bosan dengar asyik ada pihak yang menyalahkan UMNO terhadap apa yang mereka sendiri lakukan.. sedangkan apa yng disentuh ialah tentang agama dan bukan Politik.. 

Kenapa perlu salahkan UMNO.. atau ini mmg dah jadi ajaran Blogger Seks berfahaman Pakatan Rakyat ini utk menyalahkan UMNO.. 

Terbaru Pasangan penulis blog seks Alvin Tan dan Vivian Lee mendakwa kekecohan berhubung gambar 'Bak kut teh' yang dimuat naik di Facebook pada Ramadan lalu disebabkan orang-orang Islam sensitif dan beremosi selain mendakwa ia diprovokasi oleh sesetengah pemimpin Umno. Klik sini 

Rasanya dah biadap sangat di Alvin Vivian ni.. pasangan ini harus tahu bahawa apa yang mereka sentuh bukan berkaitan politik.. tetapi agama.. dengan tepat.. AGAMA ISLAM..

Kepada Blogger seks ini "Jadi jangan libatkan politik terhadap kesundalan anda terhadap agama Islam"..

Sesiapapun yang beragama Islam akan terasa hati jika agama Islam di permainkan.. kecuali hati mereka tidak ada keimanan dalam diri mereka.. bukan sahaja Islam tetapi jika agama lain dipermainkan juga mereka mesti terasa hati..

Cheryl Samad Selamat Lahirkan anak perempuan..

0 Komen!!!
Alhamdulillah.. inilah kalimah yang akan terpancul melihat rezeki anak yang baru dilahirkan.. 
Dalam diam rupa-rupanya Cheryl Samad telah pun bergelar ibu pada 18 Oktober yang lalu. Jutaan tahniah diucapkan kepada Cheryl dan suami atas kelahiran bayi perempuan yang diberi nama Stella. Berita baik ini telah dikongsi oleh Cheryl menerusi akaun Instagramnya semalam.
gambar anak cheryl samad
Keterujaan Cheryl Samad bergelar ibu dapat dilihat menerusi status yang dikongsinya seperti di bawah:-
Meet our little girl, Stella.We’ve been waiting for her for a long time.She finally arrived on Friday the 18th of October. We feel very blessed.
gambar anak cheryl samad
Cheryl Samad telah pun berkahwin dengan Ng Ping Ho pada 30 April 2011. Semoga dengan kehadiran cahaya mata ini akan memeriahkan lagi keluarga mereka. Tahniah diucapkan kepada Cheryl dan suami. Selamat menjalani kehidupan sebagai ayah dan ibu.

baca seterusnya di Beautifulnara

Kebimbangan Melayu terhadap Dasar anti-bumiputra amalan PR kini menjadi realiti

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Kalau dahulu masih ramai yang agak sinis apabila diberitahu bahawa PR tidak memnperjuangkan kepentingan Melayu. Ramai yang melihat isu ini hanya untuk menakut-nakutkan rakyat terhadap kerajaan PR.

 Namun baru sahaja 2 penggal PR berkuasa.. setelah dulu kekejaman dan kezaliman PR tehadap peniaga Melayu di Pulau Pinang yang dihalau dari premis kedai mereka.. kini perkara ini berlaku pula di Kajang, Selangor.. setelah DAP di Pulau Pinang dan kini PKR di Selangor.

 Sebenarnya perkara ini sudah lama telah disebutkan PR yang mempunyai dasar anti-bumiputra kini semakin lama semakin jelas.. PR hakikatnya hanya mengikut telunjuk DAP.. PAS dan PKR langsung tiada suara dalam PR.. kerana mereka takut kehilangan sokongan kaum Cina.

Orang Melayu dan Bumiputra perlu menjadikan perkara ini sebagai tauladan kalau tidak mereka terpaksa mengemis walaupun mahu berniaga di negara sendiri.

PAS semakin kekurangan isu - Keluarga Azizan sedia memaafkan

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Isu salah faham mengenai kenyataan TS Muhyiddin selesai.. permohonan maaf diterima dengan hati terbuka oleh isteri Azizan, Puan Sri Faekah Sheikh Hamzah. “Saya sedia memaafkan dan percaya kemungkinan kenyataan itu disalah tafsir pihak tertentu dan disebarkan secara tidak betul,” katanya, ketika dihubungi, semalam.
Nampaknya PAS semakin kekurangan isu.. jangan buat fitnah lagi ya..

Rabu, Oktober 30, 2013

Antara 2 berani.. Bn vs Pas

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Dosa2 Pas pd Us Azizan

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Isu kenyataan TS Muhyiddin selesai : Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Kedah

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Inilah sikap matang yang ditunjukkan Ketua Pemuda PAS Kedah.. apabila menganggap kes kenyataan TS Muhyiddin yang disalah anggap telah selesai. Dia mengakui PAS hanya menerima kes tersebut dari sumber kedua.

Beliau sendiri telah menyerahkan memorandum rasa terkilan PAS terhadap Tan Sri Muhyiddin, namun beliau juga menyatakan TS Muhyiddin sebagai pemimpin besar dengan rendah diri memohon maaf jika kenyataan beliau di salah tafsir dan minta semula semua pihak untuk melihat fakta semula.

Tahniah dan Terima Kasih kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin kerana bersifat merendah diri dan berjiwa besar apabila dengan rendah diri meminta maaf.. mungkin ini adalah salah cakap dari beliau atau salah faham itu no2.. yg penting minta maaf sesama Islam..

Selasa, Oktober 29, 2013

Pakatan Rahsia Suhakam dan Pas di Sg Limau

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Sumber : Sini 

Selepas mendapat maklumat, penulis segera menuju ke Regency Hill Resort yang terletak di puncak Gunung Jerai. Menurut sumber, satu mesyuarat sulit di antara pemimpin Pas dan SUHAKAM akan berlangsung di sana. 

Ternyata berita itu benar, sebaik tiba di sana, penulis melihat beberapa pemimpin Pas sedang daftar masuk ke bilik penginapan masing-masing. Sebahagian besarnya penulis tidak kenal, namun pasti mereka adalah orang-orang penting di dalam parti itu. 

Turut kelihatan adalah seorang penulis novel terkenal, Syed Hussein al-Atass atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'Pak Habib'. Namun penulis tidak pasti sama ada Pak Habib antara individu yang dijemput SUHAKAM menghadiri mesyuarat itu kerana beliau dilihat sendirian. 

Dengan lokasi yang strategik dan jauh dari orang ramai memungkinkan mesyuarat itu sangat penting dan ada kaitan dengan pilihanraya kecil yang sedang berlangsung. 

Soalnya, apakah peranan SUHAKAM dalam pilihanraya kecil di Sungai Limau? Adakah mereka bertindak sebagai penasihat dan membantu Pas mengatur strategi bagi memastikan kemenangan Pas di kawasan ini? 

Ataupun, mereka turut menyalurkan dana untuk kempen pilihanraya Pas memandangkan semua unit penginapan di tempah atas nama SUHAKAM? Difahamkan terdapat 24 unit penginapan dengan harga sewa RM420 semalaman. Jadi, SUHAKAM telah membelajakan sebanyak RM10,080 hanya untuk menyewa kesemua unit-unit itu. 

Jika benar, terbukti bahawa SUHAKAM adalah proksi kepada parti pembangkang. Dan penulis percaya, SUHAKAM adalah antara entiti yang diwujudkan berpaksi kepada parti pembangkang. 

SUHAKAM bukan diwujudkan untuk membela hak asasi manusia ataupun rakyat. Sebaliknya diwujudkan untuk merealisasikan agenda-agenda jahat pembangkang berjaya. 

Alhamdulillah.. Mizz Nina kini bertudung

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Hidayah Allah tiada siapa yang tahu.. 

Gambar comel Miss Nina yang dipetik dari laman instagram milik Noh Hujan.

Apapun yg penting semua doakan Mizz Nina terus kekal bertudung sehingga akhir hayat :)

Penyanyi Mizz Nina mengesahkan yang dia kini sudah pun berhijab selepas pulang daripada menunaikan Haji di Mekah pada Jumaat lalu bersama suaminya vokalis kumpulan Hujan, Noh Salleh, 29.
Pengurus penyanyi wanita itu, Joe Saiful, berkata, Nina atau nama sebenarnya Syazrina Azman, 33, bagaimanapun memberitahu dia masih belum bersedia untuk bertemu atau menjawab sebarang persoalan media mengenai perubahan imejnya itu.

"Buat masa ini Nina masih lagi belum bersedia bertemu media untuk bercakap tentang imej barunya itu.

"Tetapi dia telah mengesahkan pada saya bahawa buat masa ini dia memang sudah pun bertudung," katanya yang dihubungi mStar Online pada petang Isnin.

Tambah Joe, Nina memerlukan sedikit masa untuk tampil kepada media serta khalayak dengan imej yang bersesuaian.

"Nina seorang yang sangat peka dengan imejnya sebagai selebriti dan apabila sudah berhijab, Nina sedang mencari imej yang bersesuaian sebelum tampil di khalayak.

"Dalam pada itu, banyak juga perubahan yang harus dilakukan dalam karier muziknya. Sebab itu dia perlukan masa. Diharap semua pihak dapat memahami situasinya," tutur Joe.

Mizz Nina juga merupakan anak kepada Pengerusi Kumpulan AmBank Malaysia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim.

Kantoi!!! : PAS bawa pengundi hantu..

1 Komen!!!
Nampaknya keadaan PAS semakin kritikal sekarang.. ceramah yang dibuat tiada sambutan di Sg Limau

nampaknya mereka dah ada cara untuk mereka menang

Pas kantoi bawa pengundi hantu!!
satu lori pengundi hantu dibawa oleh PAS!!

PAS takut kalah di Sg Limau..

0 Komen!!!
Jom tengok video Abby kantoi menipu..


 PAS semakin terdesak..

Isnin, Oktober 28, 2013

Anwar juga terlibat perkenalkan GST!!

0 Komen!!!
Adakah anda tahu Anwar Ibrahim juga terlibat perkenalkan GST!!

sumber : GstMalaysiaInfo atau ikuti di twitter  

GST causes PRICE increase??

0 Komen!!!
source : savemoney.my
As the Budget 2014 (tabled on the 25th of October 2013) announcement came, Malaysians awaited with bated breath on whether the government of the day will or won’t finally introduce a Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Malaysia.
For the full lowdown on what was announced in the budget, check out our complete Malaysia Budget 2014 review, as well as our Live Blog: Malaysia Budget 2014 – As it Happened blog post.
Alternatively, we covered the Malaysia Budget 2013 in similar fashion. Take a look at our Malaysia Budget 2013 – How the Budget Can Save You Money article.

Update: A GST of 6% was announced, with the abolishment of Sales Tax and Service Tax effective 1 April 2015.

Read our guide below to find out all about the GST, get the full low down on why it’s being introduced, and what it means for you!

Wait, don’t we already have GST in Malaysia? I’ve seen it in some receipts…

Confusingly, there are 2 other indirect taxes already present in the Malaysian tax system. One of them is the Sales Tax (as per the Sales Tax Act 1972), and the other is the Service Tax (under the Service Tax Act 1975). Combined, they are usually referred to as the SST.
The Service Tax part  is the one that is sometimes confusingly referred to as the Government Service Tax (or “GST”) but it is not the usual use of the GST acronym worldwide, Goods and Services Tax.
Note that the Sales Tax and Service Tax are not to be confused with a “Service Charge” of 10% typically present in the hospitality industry (hotels, large restaurants etc.). This charge is not a tax, and the restaurant typically keeps the 10% (and maybe shares some of it with their staff).

Sales Tax – 10% tax on manufacturers and importers

The Sales Tax of 10% is collected from all manufacturers or importers who have yearly revenue of RM100,000 and above. Licensed manufacturers are to charge 10% sales tax on sales value of their manufactured products and to collect the tax from their customers, and remit to Customs every 2 months.
There are a number of items which have a special Sales Tax rate of 5%, and the following manufacturing and import activities are exempted from sales tax (ie. 0%):
  • All exports are exempted from sales tax.
  • Live animals, fish, seafood and certain essential food items including meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
  • Medical and educational equipment including sports equipment, books, etc.
  • Photographic equipment and films.
  • Motorcycles not exceeding 200cc capacity, bicycles for adult use.
  • Machinery for textile industry, food preparation industry, paper and printing industry, construction industry, metal industry, etc.
  • Primary commodities including cocoa, rubber, etc.
  • Naturally occuring mineral substances, chemicals, etc.
  • Helicopters, aircraft, ships and other vessels.

Service Tax – 6% tax on service providers (and RM25-50 / year per credit card)

Previously 5%, raised to 6% in January 2011, the Service Tax applies to certain items in the service industry including food and drink outlets and tobacco. The tax also applies to professional and consultancy services provided by the professional firms or persons such as accountants, lawyers, engineers, architect, insurance companies, etc. and is also remitted to Customs authorities every 2 months.
This 6% Service Tax is the thing that is frequently called GST (Government Service Tax) although in international convention, GST normally stands for Goods and Services Tax.
Adding to the confusion is the recent introduction of a RM50 / year Service Tax for principal credit card holders (per credit card) and RM25 / year for supplementary credit card holders, both falling under this Service Tax nomenclature.

What is the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?

Known across the world as either GST or VAT (value added tax), it is a broad-based consumption tax (tax on your spending!) which affects all parties in a multi-stage taxation system across the value chain from manufacturing to sales, it is based on a tax-on-value-add concept which avoids duplication of taxes. This is in contrast to both the Sales and Service Tax in Malaysia which is just added at one stage (Sales Tax at manufacturer level, and Service Tax at consumer level).
The Goods and Services Tax in Malaysia (GST) was initially mooted by the federal government in 2011 to replace the existing Sales and Service Taxes, but was met with much resistance from the public at large, partially due to the implication of a price hike in essential goods and services, but also partially due to the lack of clarity around the current consumption tax systems in Malaysia.

How does GST work in Malaysia?

In the current tax regime, the 10% Sales Tax (on manufacturing and imports) and 6% Service Tax (on the F&B and professional services industry) is collected by one party (usually the seller) and passed on to the tax authorities.
For example, in the previous 6% Service Tax regime, when you buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks that says RM15 on the menu, you pay RM15.90 (including the current Service Tax of 6%). Starbucks will keep RM15 and pass on RM0.90 to the tax authorities.
In a GST regime (6% GST in this calculation), the following happens:
1. Starbucks buys the coffee beans from the wholesaler to make your cup of coffee for RM10 (RM10+ 6% GST). The Wholesaler keeps RM10 and passes on RM0.60 from Starbucks to the tax authorities.
2. You buy that cup of coffee from Starbucks which the beans were used to make, and pay RM15.90 (RM15 + 6% GST). Starbucks now keeps RM15 and passes on RM0.30 to the tax authorities (RM0.90 – RM0.60). The reason why Starbucks only passes RM0.30 to the tax authorities is because they have effectively already ‘paid’ RM0.60 in tax earlier on the first RM10, and only RM0.30 tax is left to be paid on the RM5 “value-add”.
We have graphically shown this example below.
gst vs service tax

Why replace Sales Tax and Service Tax (SST) with GST?

The government’s intention has always been to replace the sales and service tax regime with GST and to do so at a GST rate that is revenue-neutral. This means that (when it gets introduced anyway) they don’t expect to collect any more or less taxes than they did before. Why would they bother then?
Well, the GST unit of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department gives us the following reason ‘method of collecting taxes which works better than others’ to explain the need for GST. Economists, meanwhile, believe the government has very rightly approached the GST as a new source of income with a broad tax base as a means to begin to diversify tax revenue sources.

So if the 10% Sales Tax and 6% Service Tax is abolished, does this mean GST will be introduced at a rate of 16% to make this a revenue-neutral exercise?

It might seem like simple arithmetic, but as mentioned before, not all items are subject to 10% Sales Taxes (some 5% and some 0%), and likewise with the 6% Service Tax (and rarely are 2 items subject to both Sales and Service Tax, as one targets the manufacturing and import industry, and the other the service industry). As such, a 16% GST rate (with no exemptions) will definitely result in higher prices across the board!
As a result of this, to make the introduction of GST a revenue-neutral exercise for the federal government, an initial rate of 4-7% had been proposed, with some essential items given a zero-rate mooted as well.
The final rate that was announced on 25 October 2013 was 6% GST, with the following items 0% rated (and thus exempt):
- Essential items such as: Rice, sugar, salt, flour, cooking oil among others
- Public transport (LRT, KTM, Buses)
- Sale and Rental of property

How will the implementation of GST affect me?

As mentioned, the replacement of Sales and Service Tax with GST is intended to be revenue-neutral to the government’s coffers, so in theory, to consumers this may represent a minimal effect to the aggregate prices of everyday goods and services. Lets look at 3 scenarios to see what it means for prices, (1) for items charged with Service Tax, (2) for items charged with Sales Tax, and (3) for items with no Service or Sales Taxes:
6% Service Tax Abolished, 6% GST introduced - Pay less

10% Sales Tax Abolished, 6% GST introduced - Pay less

SST Exempt Items, 6% GST introduced - Pay more

However, the obvious concern here is to make sure that businesses do not take advantage of just the fact that GST has been introduced as a reason to raise prices of goods and services indiscriminately. To this end, the Anti-Profiteering Act has been tabled to enable enforcement against such practices. In theory though, the multi-stage tax nature of the GST should allow the Customs department to aggregate pricing information far more accurately than they do currently, the implied monitoring of this should serve as a deterrent to unscrupulous businesses (will wait and see how things pan out!).

How does the GST affect SMEs in Malaysia?

As the total GST amount is paid for by customers (parts of it effectively paid across the value chain, through GST input credits etc.), businesses are not affected directly by price increases due to GST.
The added cost through the implementation of GST will be due to administration of GST input credits and accounting for GST. Because of this, businesses with an annual turnover of less than RM500,000 are exempted from being GST registered and will thus not be required to collect or pay GST.


1 Komen!!!

Apakah PAS ingat bahawa pengundi di DUN Sungai Limau boleh ditipu atau semacam lembu dicucuk hidung? Untuk meraih simpati pengundi dan undi dalam PRK DUN Sungai Limau, PAS sanggup berbohong kepada rakyat atas nama Islam.

Beginikah kiranya mahu memilih pemimpin PAS sebagai ADUN di Sungai Limau? Hakikatnya PAS kini bukan sahaja mencemarkan imejnya sebagai parti yang membawa ajaran Islam sebaliknya juga mencemar imej Islam itu sendiri.

Sepanjang pemerintahan PAS di DUN Sungai Limau selama 26 tahun dan PAS memerintah Kedah selama 5 tahun, apakah pembangunan yang dibawa PAS kepada penduduk DUN Sungai Limau?

Jika mereka yang dari luar Kedah datang ke kawasan DUN Sungai Limau pasti terkejut apabila melihat bagaimana daifnya pembangunan yang dihadapi penduduk Sungai Limau di sepanjang pemerintahan PAS.

Sikap pemimpin PAS yang sanggup berbohong kepada rakyat dengan menggunakan akhbar propembangkang Sinar Harian sehingga sanggup mengedit dan mengubahsuai gambar calon PAS kononnya begitu mesra dengan Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan semasa menjadi Menteri Besar Kedah. Apakah akhbar itu sengaja atau tidak melihat gambar itu sebelum disiarkan atau berkompromi sebagai usaha bahan kempen PAS?

Jumaat, Oktober 25, 2013

5 Teras utama bajet 2014

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Terima Kasih kpd Dato' Seri Najib hari ni yg telah membentangkan Bajet 2014.. banyak manfaat yg rakyat telah dan akan terima melalui bajet tersebut..

Us Azizan role model kepada Mukhriz..

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Inilah gaya seorang pemimpin muda menghormati orang tua.. Tahniah Mukhriz.. inilah gaya kepimpinan yang wajar dicontohi.. rendah diri..

Bukan Macam Pakhrolrazi yang gila kuasa tu.. dah le Us Azizan sakit lg sakitkan hati orang tua tu.. inilah sikap tamak kuasa pemimpin PAS

Calon BN.. Dari Guru Pondok ke Pensyarah Universiti

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Jom pakat undi calon BN :)

Calon Pas.. kalau nak menang sekalipun janganlah menipu

0 Komen!!!

Dalam sehari dua ni kecoh di media maya. media cetak dan elektronik mengenai calon PAS yang mengaku kononnya ada bau-bau bacang dengan Arwah DS Azizan Razak..

Rupanya tindakan beliau mengaku ada bau-bau bacang dengan Allahyarham DS Azizan Razak menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan ahli keluarga Allahyarham..

Kepada calon PAS.. kalau nak menang sangat pun x payah le menipu pengundi Sg Limau.. ni belum apa2 dah menipu ni.. kalau dapat jawatan nak tipu apa lah pulak pd pengundi Sg Limau..

Hati-hati dengan kempen PAS melalui khutbah Jumaat

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gambar hiasan

Nampaknya PAS akan menggunakan masjid untuk berkempen di PRK N.20 Sg Limau.

Khatib-khatib PAS dikatakan telah bersedia dengan teks untuk membawa kempen politik semasa memberi khutbah di masjid-masjid sekitar DUN Sg. Limau.

Namun diberitakan bahawa pihak Istana telah mengarahkan agar masjid-masjid dalam DUN N.20 Sg Limau hanya membenarkan khatib yang diberikan teks Khutbah oleh Maik sahaja dibenarkan untuk berkhutbah.

Jadi boleh bersiap sedia dengan kemera dan juga perakam suara.. pastikan setiap masjid di pantau.. supaya jangan ada penyelewengan oleh pihak PAS untuk berkempen semasa menyampaikan khutbah Jumaat hari ini..

Jom kenali calon BN N.20 Sg Limau

0 Komen!!!

Calon Pas Kantoi!!

0 Komen!!!

Kegagalan berkempen pada malam pertama menyebabkan PAS terpaksa menukar strategi berkempen mereka dalam menghadapi BN yang kini dilihat semakin diterima rakyat.

Melihat kepada penerimaan rakyat di DUN Sungai Limau yang masih membandingkan Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan dengan calon PAS sekarang, Ustaz Azam Samad.

Justeru, Pengarah PRK PAS menukar pendekatan dengan bergantung sepenuhnya kepada pengaruh Allahyarham Azizan dalam usaha untuk meraih sokongan.

Walaupun DUN Sungai Limau itu merupakan kubu kuat PAS, tetapi kekuatan itu sebenarnya terletak kepada Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak dan bukan sangat kepada parti. Untuk itu, calon PAS ini harus bekerja keras dengan tidak dibayangi Azizan.

Begitupun usaha itu tidak lama dan hanya bertahan sehari sahaja selepas hari penamaan calon. Untuk menang, PAS terpaksa menggunakan pengaruh Azizan dan tidak kepada pengaruh parti itu sendiri.

Justeru, gambar-gambar Tan Sri Azizan digunakan sebagai bahan kempen untuk bermain dengan emosi dan sentimen pengundi. Nama arwah juga digunakan sepenuhnya terutama dalam memperkenalkan calon, iaitu Ustaz Azam Samad.

Kononnya, Ustaz Azam adalah pewaris arwah Tan Sri Azizan. Kononnya, mereka berkongsi pendirian mengenai hala tuju parti dan juga pentadbiran di kawasan tersebut.

Hakikatnya, PAS menipu pengundi kerana Ustaz Azam adalah proksi kepada Mahfudz Omar yang turut memusuhi Tan Sri Azizan. 

Sumber: Halilintar

Khamis, Oktober 24, 2013

Peguam PR dijangka pertahankan Pegawal Keselamatan yang menembak mati pegawai Ambank

4 Komen!!!

Sudah menjadi trend peguam pembangkang yang akan pertahankan pembunuh dan bukan mangsa dan kali ini berdarakan kejadian terbaru semalam.. N.Surendran dijangka pertahan Pengawal Keselamatan yang menembak mati Pekerja Ambank.

Mengikut sumber N. Surendran akan membela pengawal keselamatan yang menembak mati seorang pekerja Ambank semalam. Laporan memetik N.Surendran yakin pengawal keselamatan terrsebut mengalami tekanan dan menjadi tugas untuk beliau mempertahankan pengawal Keselamatan tersebut dan mengelakkan hukuman Gantung sampai mati jika pengawal keselamatan tersebut disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh. Keluarga pengawal keselamatan yang membunuh pekerja Ambank juga dilaporkan telah berjumpa dengan N. Surendran bagi membantu dalam kes pembunuhan ini.

Bagi mereka yang mati tetap mati.. tapi dari segi hak asasi manusia manusia.. hak pembunuh ini perlu dipertahankan.. 

Apa kata anda rakyat Malaysia.. adakah pembunuh sekejam ini yang tiada hati perut perlu di beri peluang. Atau mereka menolak bukti besi.. bukti video x boleh diguna sebagaimana ke Anwar dgn Chinadoll yang lalu.


Calon BN N.20 Sg Limau : "Berilah peluang kepada saya"

0 Komen!!!

Mohon peluang kali ini untuk calon BN berkhidmat kepada pengundi Sg Limau.. pengundi Sg Limau tidak rugi apa-apa pun..

Rabu, Oktober 09, 2013

#DAPpenipu : DAP Tried To Bribe ROS With RM 500,000.00 - Episode 2

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sumber : DAP insider

It is hard to believe that Lim Dynasty now striving hard to ban DAP. Unfortunately, that is the fact that we have to swallow.

DAP is getting near to the end after 29th. Sept. 2013 CEC election. According to the constitution, DAP to hold re-elections as required by the constitution of the DAP. Meaning, to repeat the last December 2012 election. Same candidate and the same representatives with the 10 weeks notice to be issued to all this representatives.

But DAP has violated both rules above. They just follow the 2012 candidates. They issuing notice to the delegate is unconstitutional. Representatives only being given 4 week notice.

Another violation is to change status of branch with B certificate to A certificate. This is to enable them to be representative of CEC re-election. A total of 120 branches have already upgraded from B certificate to A certificate and this involved 450 delegates.

Lim Guan Eng’s evil work with the help from his both humble servant Tony Pua and Anthony Loke has been known by the 5 Tigers. This news has spread even to the members of the opposition. This is going to be new disaster to Lim Dynasty.

Problem after another making life of Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Anthony Loke and Tony Pua a living hell. A day after the re-election, they called Karpal Singh to discuss this matter. RSN Rayer was also present at that meeting.

During the meeting a consensus was reached unanimously that the best way to save is with DAP banned by ROS and they will register back the party. They want ROS to ban DAP without doing more thorough investigation because when ROS start digging, they will reveal a lot of dirty things hide under DAP carpet which directly pointing to Lim Guan Eng.

To enable all this strategy, which is ban without further investigation, they require assistance from ROS. This is where RSN Rayer came into the picture. He was asked to deal with ROS and offer bribe amount of RM 500,000.00 to ROS for DAP to be banned immediately.

DAP ban will not only close the Lim Dynasty rotten pies, but can pose a bigger profit to them.

With the ban of DAP, Malaysian will be force to believe and accuse BN for using ROS to ban DAP. Action would reflecting Chinese community feeling offended and against BN.

When DAP banned and re-registered, is a great opportunity for Lim Dynasty to kick out all his enemies including the 5 Tigers. Then they will make a new constitution and set the position of a Secretary-General hold no term limit. This will enable Lim Guan Eng remained in the chair forever.

Conclusion from this, by DAP being banned immediately will give a political millage and gains for Lim Dynasty so that they continue strengthen their power and reign in DAP.

#DAPpenipu Lim and Singh Dynasty Working Hard To Banned DAP - Episode 1

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sumber : DAP Insider

I apologize for not been able to update this blog for a week. I was in Bali to meet someone and from there to Perth to meet some DAP leader regarding CEC re-election on 29th Sept. 2013.

I will not stop writing on this blog and I will continue with all the series until everything is over. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Today some might think my writing is less important or just another story after story or perhaps lies but I believe what is filled in this blog will be an important reference one day. Fortune favors the bold.

Last weekend CEC re-election giving Lim and Singh Dynasty a tremendous headache. All because of the presence of Jenice Lee as a representative and she did casting vote during the election. "Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity". 

Malaysian have learned that Jenice Lee sacked from DAP during GE-13, Apr 2013. Out of sudden Jenice appear on the polling day to choose the CEC last weekend. The pictures include her presence in that meeting and during casting her voting paper into the ballot box which widely disseminated on the internet.

Dissemination of the photographs makes people believe that the selection of the CEC was not done properly and ROS action all this while is right. Internet citizens questioned how people who have been sacked present as delegate ?

Both Lim and Singh Dynasty issued a directive to all CEC members not to give any comment on that matter when asked by reporters or anyone else. This is to avoid another disaster to DAP.

Jenice presence as a representative is valid and accordance to rules and regulations of DAP. She was sacked before by CEC which is not recognized. That is why she is still a delegate.

If there any member of CEC explaining the presence of Jenice, will confirmed that the previous CEC was not recognized. That would be a terrible disaster to Lim Dynasty. They choose to be silenced on that matter and creating a diversion on continuous attacking the ROS to proof their innocence and to confuse Malaysian. That is why this week, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh and Tony Pua continue attacking ROS. Malaysian by now should know that all these people are the "Master of Illusion, Delusion and Diversion".

At the same time they were also upset because of their credibility was badly tarnished among the intelligentsia and Chinese businessmen. CEC runoff election turmoil felt by the Penang Government as businessmen began to calculate the risk to invest capital in Penang as the result of instability of Lim Guan Eng’s position.

What I wish to expose now might be difficult for you to swallow or to trust but I can easily believe it because I have been hanging out with this group of people for such a long time. It is a norm or culture in DAP that they never walk the talk. They appear to be hero against corruption and highest integrity group of people, but in reality many do not know that DAP is a strong party that deify corruption.

Did you know that DAP currently doing effort to ban their own party?

Find hard to believe? Bullshit?........

Unfortunately, this is the fact. It happened after the re-election of CEC last weekend. Famous quote by Karl Marx:

Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity

How and what is being done by DAP to ban their own party, I will share with you tomorrow in the second episode.


Saya memohon maaf kerana tidak mengemaskini blog ini selama seminggu. Saya berada di Bali berjumpa dengan seseorang dan dari sana saya ke Perth untuk berjumpa pula dengan seorang pemimpin DAP berhubung pemilihan semua CEC pada 29.Sept.2012.

Saya tidak akan berhenti mengisi blog ini dan saya akan teruskan dengan siri-siri akan datang sehingga segalanya selesai. Hari ini mungkin ada yang beranggapan penulisan saya tidak penting atau saya membawa cerita bohong. Saya yakin apa yang diisi dalam blog ini akan menjadi satu rujukan penting satu hari nanti.

Pemilihan semula CEC hujung minggu lepas membuatkan Dinasti Lim dan Dinasti Singh semakin pening kepala. Semuanya kerana kehadiran Jenice Lee sebagai perwakilan dan turut membuang undi.

Rakyat Malaysia telah mengetahui Jenice Lee dipecat daripada DAP semasa GE 13, April 2013. Tiba-tiba Jenice hadir membuang undi untuk memilih CEC minggu lepas. Gambar-gambar kehadiran Jenice termasuk gambar Jenice sedang memasukkan kertas undi CEC ke dalam kotak disebarkan dengan meluas di internet.

Penyebaran gambar-gambar itu membuatkan orang ramai yakin bahawa pemilihan CEC tidak dilakukan dengan betul dan tindakan ROS selama ini betul. Warga internet mempersoalkan bagaimana orang yang telah dipecat boleh hadir sebagai perwakilan ?

Dinasti Lim dan Dinasti Singh mengeluarkan arahan kepada semua ahli CEC supaya jangan mengulas perkara itu jika ditanya oleh pemberita atau sesiapa sahaja. Ini bagi mengelakkan bahana besar melanda DAP.

Kehadiran Jenice sebagai perwakilan adalah mengikut peraturan kerana pemecatannya sebelum ini tidak sah akibat CEC yang ada pada waktu itu tidak diiktiraf. Sebab itu beliau masih kekal sebagai perwakilan.

Jika ada mana-mana ahli CEC yang menjelaskan sebab kehadiran Jenice sebagai perwakilan ianya akan mengesahkan CEC sebelum ini tidak diiktiraf. Itu akan menyusahkan Dinasti Lim. Mereka mengambil tindakan mendiamkan perkara itu sebaliknya mengalihkan isu dengan menyerang ROS untuk menunjukkan mereka tidak bersalah dan mengelirukan rakyat. Sebab itu dalam tempoh seminggu ini Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua dan Karpal Singh terus menyerang ROS. Rakyat Malaysia sekarang patut tahu bahawa bapak pembohong dan pembelit. 

Dalam masa yang sama mereka juga sedang susah hati kerana kredibiliti mereka teruk tercalar di kalangan golongan intelek dan ahli perniagaan cina. Kecelaruan pemilihan CEC turut dirasai oleh Kerajaan Penang kerana ahli perniagaan mula berkira-kira untuk melabur modal di sana akibat dari kedudukan Lim Guan Eng yang tidak stabil.

Apa yang saya beritahu di bawah ini mungkin sukar untuk anda semua percayai. Namun saya boleh mempercayainya dengan mudah kerana saya telah lama bergaul dengan golongan ini. Cakap di depan lain dan lain perbuatan di belakang adalah perkara lumrah dalam DAP. Mereka bercakap pasal rasuah dan intergriti di depan rakyat namun di belakang ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa DAP sebuah parti yang kuat rasuah.

Tahukah anda bahawa kini DAP sedang berusaha untuk mengharamkan parti mereka sendiri ?

Sukar untuk percaya kan ?

Namun itulah hakikat yang berlaku sekarang selepas pemilihan semula CEC minggu lepas.

Bagaimana dan apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh DAP untuk haramkan parti mereka, saya akan kongsikan dengan anda esok dalam episod kedua. 

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